Oyster Mushroom

Pleurotus ostreatus

20th November 2014, Ladywell Fields
Growing on old stump. One large mature cluster.

14th November 2014, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing at base of deciduous tree stump. Two clusters. Cap 7-15cm. Smell mushroomy, slightly perfumed and a bit rotten. Apart from the oyster mushrooms there are distinct beads on the old rotten one that could be some other fungus. ID is almost sure. Spores 5-8.5µ x 3.5-4.5µ.

1st September 2014, Ladywell Fields
Growing on base of deciduous stump. Lobes up to 10cm across. Mild pleasant mushroom smell. Mild mushroomy. Eaten. Sporeprint dirty white. Spores 7-10.5µ x 4.5-5.5µ.

17th August 2014, Ladywell Fields
Growing from base of stump. Each fan up to 12cm across, full width 24cm. Pleasant mushroomy smell. Rather old specimen. ID is very likely.

7th August 2013, Mill Wood, Gower in Wales
Growing on rotting log. ID is fairly likely.
